My Life as a Wench; Trial and Error
This past weekend was my first stint as a serving wench at Scarborough Renaissance Festival . I had so much fun. I worked a wedding reception, serving bread to muh lords and ladies. It was definitely a learning experience. Costume Me I'll start with the costume. I regrettably kept my mother up until 2am on Friday night/Saturday morning. I can sew... okay, I can kind of sew. My mother, on the other hand, has the life's ambition to be a theatre seamstress, so it worked out. Borrowed a pattern from a friend, bought fabric and hauled butt to my mom's house. After many sighs and 'wish I had more time' statements, my mom busts out her sewing machine. The costume was beautiful and fit every aspect and criteria given me by the Scarborough handbook. She performed a miracle... that flopped. Completely my fault. Everyone Else I show up in my working peasant garb, to find that everyone else on the crew is wearing more of a bohemian gypsy motif. I felt completely...